Friday 3 July 2015

Bookstall is on today July 4th

   Declare your independence today by deciding to come down to the market without seeking the approval of your mates. Today is your day, and I've loads of new stuff on the stall just for you.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues for free of his/her choice:

                  'It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.

   The writings of Henry David Thoreau including Walden are well worth a look. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew

   P.S. It's hot and dry at the moment so go fill up your watering can and go water some of the street trees. The council wont do it. Already there are dead and dying trees everywhere. Think of the the monetary value of the plants that we are losing and how simple it is to save them.

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