Friday 26 August 2016

Bookstall is on(ish) today August 27th

   Oooh, the forecast is a bit dodgy but we'll give it a go. I'll have to look at it in the morning to see if it's feasible to get the books out. I've other things I can sell if I don't. Hopefully the sun will come out in the afternoon. No comp this week but an Olympic-themed question next week. It wont be on the British team. Nor about the Sevens. Nor the hockey. Nor the equestrian events, nor the ....

   See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 5 August 2016

Bookstall is on today Aug 6th

   Summer looks like it is back today so come to the market for more cheap art books. More new goodies this week including catalogues from the Kate Moss photos sale in 2013. Something for everyone, remember, every day can be a school day.

   As an incentive, the first person to answer the following question will be able to select two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice (but not the Kate Moss one):

           Mark Todd, equestrian rider extraordinaire, will be competing in his eighth Olympics (actually the ninth he's been selected for). Which country does he represent?

   Dead easy. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 29 July 2016

Bookstall is on today July 30th

  Well, another fine day is in the offing with only a hint of the odd shower. Lots of new books on the stall this week so something for everyone. Come on down to the market, there's bound to be something of interest.

   As an incentive, the first person to answer the following question will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

           "What is the name of the active volcano located in the Bay of Plenty off the coast of the North Island of New Zealand?"

   As an aside, it is always 'the North Island', 'the South Island' and Stewart Island. 'North Island' and 'South Island' only exist on topographical maps. It's therefore not acceptable to say 'New Zealand's North Island', it has to be 'the North Island of New Zealand'. Take note BBC! You've no idea how annoying it is to see the Beeb get it wrong on its damn strapline on the rare occasion we get a mention on the news. And don't get me started on having to click on 'Australia' on the BBC website. There's enough room to put 'Australasia' so why antagonise us? It's an affront.

   Where was I? Oh yeah, easy question this week, just bring up a map or use google. I used to be able to stand on the beach and see the smoke over the horizon. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 22 July 2016

Bookstall is on today July 23rd

   Well, summer seems to have arrived so get out of the house and come down to the market for more cheap art books and catalogues. Loads of new ones to the stall this week. As an incentive the first person to answer the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

     What is the name of the 3-part BBC2 programme on New Zealand wildlife that started this week?

   You can watch the first episode on the iPlayer. I haven't seen it yet, it might take me a couple of weeks to steel myself so I don't get depressed. You may even take a trip to New Zealand House after seeing Godzone! Come to the market, you wont be disappointed. Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 15 July 2016

Bookstall is on today July 16th

   It looks like being a decent day, so hopefully you'll all come down to the market for more cheap art books. As an incentive, the first person to answer the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                    Mount Cook is the highest mountain in which country?

   Come on, free books! See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 8 July 2016

Bookstall is on today July 9th

   There might be a little shower early on but that's no reason not to come down to the market for some cheap art books. Yet more stall-fresh books to discover artists you don't know you like yet. As an incentive, the first person to answer the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice for free:

       This week, Iceland lost 2-5 to France in the footé. This is no disgrace. Which country also lost by the same scoreline to Scotland in the 1982 World Cup?

   Easy peasy. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 1 July 2016

Bookstall is on today July 2nd

   When are we going to get a decent day? Showers forecast in the afternoon so get to the market early. I'm going to have a bit of a sale today so there are bargains galore. As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his her choice for free:

         The demigod Richie McCaw captained which country to victory in the 2015 Rugby World Cup?

   Honestly, I'm just giving them away. Too easy. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 24 June 2016

Bookstall is on today June 25th

   Well, the forecast is looking a bit dodgy but we'll give it a go. Loads of new stuff this week so come on down to the stall for more cheap art books. As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art catalogues of his/her choice:

       "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill

   Probably quite apt after the referendum. Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 17 June 2016

Bookstall is on today June 18th

   Well, after last week's downpour it's got to be better this week. Again, more new books on the stall and other stuff as well. As an incentive, the first person to answer the following question will be able to choose two auction catalogues of his/her choice for free:

        Which football team won a dramatic penalty shootout with Papua New Guinea at Port Moresby last weekend?

   Surely you must have read about it? It's not like there's any other footie on at the moment. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 10 June 2016

Bookstall is on today June 11th

   The forecast looks okay for today with the odd shower expected later on, so you've no excuse not to come down to the market. Lots of books fresh to the stall, more books in the free box and other goodies as well.

      As an incentive, the first person to get the following question right will be able to pick two art auction catalogues for free of his/her choice:

         What was the name of the horse that won the 1983 Melbourne Cup, having been last at the bell?

   How could you not know that? You could try Google. See you soon, Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 3 June 2016

Bookstall is on today June 4th

    Looks like it's going to be stormy in the evening but the day looks like being dry with a bit of luck. Lots more new books and other bits and pieces on the stall this week. Come on down and enjoy the afternoon sun in London Fields with a good book from yours truly.

   As an incentive, the first person to get the following question right will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

         Which country was the first to give women the vote?

   Yep, blame us. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 27 May 2016

Bookstall is on today May 28th

   Well, we may have to dodge the showers but fingers-crossed they'll miss us. More books fresh to the stall, more cigar boxes and other surprises too. Come on down to the market, there's something to keep you engaged through the rest of the long weekend. You'll be bored come Monday evening otherwise.

   Anyway, as an incentive, the first person to get the following question right will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                        Only one country remained undefeated at the 2010 World Cup. Which one?

   There may be a common thread developing with the questions. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

   P.S. I've now got 125 paintings, drawings and photographs of art I like up on my tumblr page. I plan to put up about three hundred a year. More being added all the time. You can see them at .

Friday 20 May 2016

Bookstall is on today May 21st

   It looks like the rain that is forecast will not arrive until about 5pm so we'll give it a go. Lots of new books on the stall this week but be quick as there might be a bulk purchase being made. We shall see if that bears fruit. I'm going to start packing up around 4pm to avoid the rain and watch the Cup Final. What's with the late kick-off? A three o'clock start would've missed the rain. My people will have to go to bed and set the alarm.

   Anyway, as an incentive, the first person to get the following question right will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

               Who was the first Westerner to climb Mount Everest and get down again and which country did he come from?

   Dead easy, you shouldn't even need to look it up. Obviously not Mallory or Irvine as they're both still up on the mountain.

   See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 13 May 2016

Bookstall is on today May 14th

   Well, the forecast looks good for today, so come on down to the market for more art books, cigar and wine boxes and other useful things you didn't know you needed.

   As an incentive, the first person to answer the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues for free of his/her choice:

              Which New Zealander scored the last ever Premier League goal at Upton Park?

   Couldn't be easier. Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 6 May 2016

Bookstall is on today May 7th

   Well, it looks like it is going to be a cracking day today. My pasty white legs might even get an outing. Another couple of boxes of art books fresh to the stall and more of the usual stuff as well. Come on down, you wont be disappointed.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues for free of his/her choice:

                                "Like a river that don't know where it's flowin'
                                 I took a wrong turn and I just kept goin' ."

   Who doesn't love The Boss? Anyway, see you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 29 April 2016

Bookstall is on today 30th April

   It looks like being a decent day with maybe the odd shower. Loads of new books on the stall this week so come on down to the market to find the art you don't know you like.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                The rich get richer, the poor get the picture.

   Actually, you'll get lots of pictures. It's not difficult, I like giving out free stuff. See you all soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 22 April 2016

Bookstall is on today 23rd April

   Hopefully Friday's rain will not return and we can get a full day in at the market. Lots of new things this week so come on down to the stall, there's something for everybody.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice for free:

                    "A rich and varied menu is for people who have no work to do." - Roald Amundsen

   Can't be easier. Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 11 March 2016

Bookstall is on today March 12th

   Haere mai and yay, it looks like settled weather for today. I've a shedload of new stuff on the stall so you've no excuse not to come down to the market for a bit of culture.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                                          "You can observe alot by just watching" - Yogi Berra

   See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 4 March 2016

Bookstall is NOT on today March 5th

   No room at the inn this week. With the forecast looking like more rain it's probably not a bad thing. Hopefully I'll be doing the stall next week. Off to the pub to watch the football. Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 19 February 2016

Bookstall is NOT on today Feb 20th

   Haere mai. After last week's drizzle that meant I couldn't set up the stall, this week's forecast of more rain throughout the day has forced me to once again decide to put off doing the stall. Next week I'll have more new books on the stall including two or three sets of manga books which hopefully will interest the hipsters of Happenin' Hackney.

   I'm off to the pub to use the wifi to pinch the images of the photographs of Elizabeth Pulman that are up for sale today at Trevanion and Dean. The estimates will make your eyes water. I'll put them up on my tumblr page. Tumblr page? Yep, something new, I put up things I like where I can get large-size images from auction and dealer websites. No, I don't ask permission. I give details of where the picture is located/ for sale/ or sold if I know it. That should be sufficient. It is Tumblr after all. I've only just started so there are only a few pictures up so far (Seago, Boudin, Signac et al). Have a look, the address is:


   Until next week, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 12 February 2016

Bookstall is on today Feb 13th

   Oooh, the weather looks pretty dodgy again today, but, ever the optimist (cough), we'll give it a go. More new stuff this week so pop on down to the market for a bit of culture. There are deals to be done.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free catalogues of his/her choice:

                       'Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible' - M.C. Escher.

   See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 5 February 2016

Bookstall is on-ish today Feb 6th

   Haere mai, today is New Zealand Day so there might be a few giveaways to celebrate. The weather is looking a bit dodgy, particularly early on, so fingers-crossed we can get set up to make the day worthwhile. Lots of  good things today including this week's Impressionist Art sales at Christie's and a few books from the end of last year.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                          'To have a great idea, have a lot of them.' - Thomas Edison.

   See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 29 January 2016

Bookstall is on today Jan 30th

   It might be a bit gusty today but hopefully the rain will hold off. Lots of new books on the stall as well as a few surprises. Come on down to the market, there's loads going on and you'll be able to spend your time relaxing.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

             'If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.' - Lao Tzu

    See you all soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 20 November 2015

Bookstall is probably NOT on Nov 21st

   I haven't actually checked to see if I'm down on the stall list for today. With rain forecast for the morning it might be prudent to stay in the warm. Me, that is, there will still be lots of things for you to buy from the more hardy stallholders and the street food shacks will going great guns.

   I'll spend my time looking for my gloves and thermals that I didn't put away six months ago. See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 13 November 2015

Bookstall is NOT on today Nov 14th

   Another grim day in prospect with persistent rain forecast throughout the day. Wind + rain + books makes me a stressed out little bunny so I'm going to watch the 3rd Test decider at the pub. Better luck next week.

   See you soon, Andrew.

   P.S. Don't mention the pummelling we're getting in the cricket.

Friday 6 November 2015

Bookstall is NOT on today Nov 7th

   By 'eck it's looking grim out there today. There's not much point doing the stall today. Much better to have a rest and go to the pub to watch the Kiwis reverse the travesty that was the result in the 1st Rugby League Test.

   Hopefully, the weather next week will be good enough to get my books out for you lot. There are some duesies. See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 30 October 2015

Bookstall is on today Oct 31st

   Last week's result was a bit touch and go but the mighty All Blacks came through in the end. This week, EVERYONE who correctly predicts New Zealand winning the World Cup will be able to pick an art auction catalogue of his/her choice.

   Lots of new books on the stall this week as the auctions start to get into swing. Come on down to the market - you'll make me a happy bunny if I give another batch of books away.

  See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 23 October 2015

Bookstall is NOT on today Oct 24th

   The forecast was for rain this afternoon, so I've decided to put my feet up for the day, get a few things done and go to the pub to watch the mighty All Blacks play against the Springboks. Fingers-crossed, next week I'll have another giveaway for the Final.

   I got a batch of Contemporary Art catalogues this week including October's London sales so come early to bag some goodies.

   Until next week, hopefully, Andrew.

Friday 16 October 2015

Bookstall is on today Oct 17th

   Hopefully the showers that are threatening today will not amount to much. Lots of new catalogues on the stall this week as well as more cigar boxes and the odd wine box. The auctions have started to be held again after the summer break and I've got some for forthcoming sales. Remember, all catalogues are only £2 each. Bargain!

   Following on from the success of the giveaway on the 3rd, today, EVERYONE who correctly predicts the winner of tonight's New Zealand - France encounter (Hint: there's a picture on the left) will be able to pick a free auction catalogue of his/her choice.

   See you soon, haere ra, Andrew. Give 'em a taste of Kiwi.

Friday 2 October 2015

Bookstall is on today Oct 3rd

   Another day, another All Black victory. A couple of boxes of new books on the stall this week as well as more of the usual. Come on down to the market there's something for everyone. Every day can be a school day.

 As an incentive, today EVERYONE who comes to the stall and says the following will be able to pick an art auction catalogue of his/her choice:

                                                 'England 25, Wales 28.'

  Plus, if I agree with your prediction for the score in the England-Australia match tonight you might get a bonus one!

   See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 25 September 2015

Bookstall is on today Sept 26th

   Another week, another sunny forecast. Come to the market for more cheap art books and other stuff including cigar boxes and clothing.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                                'You can observe a lot by just watching.' - Yogi Berra

   See you when I see you, Andrew.

Friday 18 September 2015

Bookstall is on today Sept 19th

   Another week and the forecast is looking good to get a full day in at the market. Loads of new stuff and there's bound to be something of interest for you. Come early and you can go to the pub to watch the rugby.

   As an incentive, the first person to come to the stall and say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

         'Even with three kiwis on the shirt, England aren't going to win the World Cup.'

   Stating the obvious, really. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 11 September 2015

Bookstall is on today Sept 12th

   There's rain forecast in the morning, but hopefully this will have cleared to the east by lunchtime. More new books on the stall this week and more of the regular stuff I have.

   As an incentive, the first person to come to the stall and say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

               'Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.' - Confucius.

   Come on down, there something for everyone. Andrew.

Friday 28 August 2015

Bookstall is on today August 29th

   Look, if I can make the effort to come to the market so can you. Lots more stuff this week including a mystery box of auction catalogues that I haven't looked through yet. It's not like there is anything else to do in London anyway.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice for free:

                               "All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man, the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports." - Chief Seattle

   See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 21 August 2015

Bookstall is on today August 22nd

   We should get a full day in at the market as the forecast looks good. There are more new books on the stall this week and other bits and pieces as always. Come on down to the market for a relaxing day. Lots of things to acquire and sample. I may not have room for the free box this week so some of you may have to look at the ones I'm actually selling.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice for free:

                           "Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness" - Zhuangzi

   What are you waiting for? See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

   P.S. Yon can mention last week's New Zealand-Australia rugby result.

Friday 14 August 2015

Bookstall is on today August 15th

   It looks like the wet weather is behind us and we should get a full day in at the market. There are more new books on the stall this week and other bits and pieces as always. Come on down to the market for a relaxing day. Lots of things to acquire and sample.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice for free:

                           "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

   Your first step might lead to a couple of free art books. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

   P.S. Don't mention last week's Australia-New Zealand rugby result.

Friday 7 August 2015

Bookstall is on today 8th August

   Well it looks like being a cracker today so come on down to the stall for art books, cigar boxes and a whole lot more.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the folowing will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                              "Blue skies smilin' at me,
                               Nothing but blue skies do I see."

    If you can sing it like Willie Nelson you might just get an extra one.

    See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.
    P.S. The Aussies ought not to field in the fifth test wearing their Baggy Greens. Not until they've earnt the right to do so again. The Diggers must be turning in their graves.

Friday 31 July 2015

Bookstall is on today August 1st

   The weather looks good for today so come on down to the market for some cheap art books. Lots of new stuff on the stall this week as I've got myself a snazzy new trailer so I can carry more. There'll also be more books in the free box plus some other gear to surprise you.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to choose two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                            "The power of imagination makes us infinite." - John Muir

   It's as easy as that. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

   P.S. I can't believe the Aussies capitulated to what is a fairly mediocre England XI. Perhaps the Series needs to be downgraded from five Tests to three or four in future and New Zealand to receive more than the paltry two we currently get.

Friday 10 July 2015

Bookstall is on today July 11th

   Today looks like being a nice day so come on down to the market for some more cheap art books. More new stuff this week, so there's something for everyone.

   As an incentive the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice for free:

                              The secret of getting ahead is getting started. - Mark Twain

   Short and easy to remember. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 3 July 2015

Bookstall is on today July 4th

   Declare your independence today by deciding to come down to the market without seeking the approval of your mates. Today is your day, and I've loads of new stuff on the stall just for you.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues for free of his/her choice:

                  'It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.

   The writings of Henry David Thoreau including Walden are well worth a look. See you soon, haere ra, Andrew

   P.S. It's hot and dry at the moment so go fill up your watering can and go water some of the street trees. The council wont do it. Already there are dead and dying trees everywhere. Think of the the monetary value of the plants that we are losing and how simple it is to save them.

Friday 26 June 2015

Bookstall is on today June 27th

   Well, the forecast looks like being a cracker today, you're not at Glasto, so get yourselves down to the market. As well as the goodies on my stall the market now has a cycle repair shop and the barbers has expanded to include a bar as well. Have a pint from the brewing supplies shop and peruse the books on my stall. Come to the park for books on art.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

   "Joys come from simple and natural things: mists over meadows, sunlight on leaves, the path of the moon over water."

   Not sure which Sigurd Olson book this quote appears in, but if you get a chance to read Runes of the North I recommend it.

    Don't disappoint me! Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 19 June 2015

Bookstall is on today June 20th

   Well, the weather might be a bit dodgy in the early afternoon, so it would be best to arrive early to the stall today. Lots of goodies to have a look at. As an incentive to come out, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                           "Hoarders just need bigger houses with a concrete floor."

   See you soon, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 5 June 2015

Bookstall is on today June 6th

   Summer has finally arrived so you have no excuse for not coming down to the stall today. Lots of new stuff this week and I should have a box of records including Bluenote albums and others on 180g vinyl such as The Doors and Brian Wilson.

   As an incentive the first person to say the following will be able to choose two art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

   "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

    I think Buddha would look upon me as a lost cause - I've just got too much attachment to my stuff. Even things that I haven't looked at in twenty years, I just can't consider parting with any of it. That doesn't apply to the books on my stall, so get your A into G. Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 29 May 2015

Bookstall is on today May 30th

   It looks like Ranginui is smiling upon us as a fine day is forecast. Come on down to the market, I've lots of new books on the stall this week, more cigar boxes and other bits and pieces.

   As an incentive to come out, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                                           "If it weren't for your gumboots where would ya be?
                                            You'd be in the hospital or infirmary.
                                            Coz you would have a dose of the flu or even pleurisy
                                            If you didn't have yer feet in yer gumboots.

   This is, of course, taken from the great Fred Dagg's The Gumboot Song. Here's a link for you. Don't say I don't try to show you some of the best Kiwi culture available. Haere ra, Andrew.

   P.S. All mention of the 1st Test will be treated with disdain, unless you say how lucky it is that England have a New Zealander playing for them.

Friday 22 May 2015

Bookstall is on today May 23rd

   It looks like being a nice day and England have the prospect of toiling away in the field for three sessions as the mighty New Zealanders march on. Two tests is not enough. Lots of new books on the stall this week and more of the usual cigar boxes including some nice Cohiba ones.

   As an incentive to come out, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                       "A pal's last need is a thing to heed.      and
                        A promise made is a debt unpaid.

    Both of these come from The Cremation of Sam McGee by Robert Service. Haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 15 May 2015

Bookstall is on today May 16th

   At least I hope it is. I can't remember if I'm paid up for the stall today. I'll just have to fly by the seat of my pants. If I'm wrong I'll update this post.

   This week, I've yet more Impressionist and Contemporary Art catalogues as well as others, and more cigar boxes.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                           "A man had ought to consider his mates in the way he goes and dies."

   This is a line from The Ballad of Blasphemous Bill by Robert Service. You might also like The Cremation of Sam McGee and The Shooting of Dan McGrew as well as others of his.

   See you when I see you, haere ra, Andrew.

Friday 8 May 2015

Bookstall is on today May 9th

   Fingers crossed the showers forecasted for today will miss us. I've loads of new catalogues including the three parts to next week's Sotheby's New York Contemporary Art sale. There's a Rothko with a forty to sixty million dollar estimate and a Lichtenstein that is expected to make more. I've lots more so don't be shy, come on down.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two free catalogues of his/her choice:
                         "I aint got no patience for this type of foolishness."

   I have to admit that South Beach Tow is a guilty pleasure (channel 68 on Freeview). I'm sure Bernice could sort out the Middle East inside a month if  Obama sent her over.

   Don't forget that if you you bring a black labrador to the stall you'll get a free book also. What are you waiting for? Andrew.

Friday 1 May 2015

Bookstall is on today May 2nd

   Well, there will probably be a band of rain curtailing the day in the afternoon so it would be best to get to the stall early. Lots of new stuff including contemporary art, impressionist art, asian art, design, and photography. You wont be disappointed and all very cheap.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues for free of his/her choice:

                                          “Ethical behaviour is doing the right thing when no one else is watching - even when doing the wrong thing is legal.” 

   Aldo Leopold was a giant among men. If you get a chance to read A Sand County Almanac you may just see the world a bit differently. See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 24 April 2015

Bookstall is on today April 25th

   Looks like being a dry day again so come on down as I've loads of new books on the stall, particularly Impressionist catalogues. I've acquired a large number so  if you're after works by Picasso, Monet, Pissarro et al, then I'm your man. I should have a clothes rail up so as well as t-shirts and sweatshirts I've got coats including Barbour and Pierre Cardin. Bargains galore.

   As an incentive, the first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice:

                               "...We are all possessed of a youthful pride
                                 When the staunchest of mates move close at hand
                                 For we have fought and ridden beside
                                 The galloping 'Men of Maoriland'. "

      These line come from a poem by 'Gerardy', an Australian Light Horseman, entitled "The Men of Maoriland". Today marks the 100th anniversary of the landings at Gallipoli, ANZAC Day being the day we commemorate the service of our armed forces. Apart from images pulled from newspaper sources I can't find it on the web so I plan to type it out so that people can find it easier. I'll show it as it appeared in the Kia-Ora Coo-ee. People tend to forget that after the pullout from Gallipoli the war continued in Palestine and Sinai for the duration of the war.

   See you soon, Andrew.

Friday 17 April 2015

Bookstall is on today April 18th

   Looks like it's going to be a fine day so come on down to the stall for more cheap books on art, and cigar boxes a-plenty. I've bought a decent clothes rail so have a look at the Sinstar t-shirts, vests, shorts and sweatshirts. Once they're gone they're gone.

    This week's comp. The first person to say the following will be able to pick two art auction catalogues of his/her choice for free:

                         "Have you seen that Breaking Bad is showing on Spike (channel 31 on Freeview) at 11pm weeknights?"

   It started Wednesday and you can catch up on Channel 5's on demand service if you miss an episode. Come to the market, then, when you're at the pub waiting for for the mighty Gunners to play you can appear to be cultured looking at your newly acquired art books. See you soon, Andrew.